10 Axure Protips

January 7, 2017

Axure is one of the most popular tools for creating prototypes and diagrams. I use it every wireframe I have to create. In this article I will show you some tips to increase productivity and take the most of this great tool.

1- Write text directly into widgets

You can do it directly without clicking. Especially image widgets are difficult to click inside to write a text while select dialog is opening.

2- Copy widgets quickly

Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V work too, but using drag and drop you control position of the widget.

3- Copy data from tables quickly

Just copy the data from Excel, Calc or Google Documents etc. It is helpful in simulating larger databases.

4- Prevent inserting images from harddrive

It works, but it is slow, because you have to insert image widget and select path to image on harddrive. Just insert images by drag and drop from a folder or by Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V from Photoshop, Gimp or web.

5- Improve the tab order

Order of tab will be the same as an order of inserting inputs. But have you ever finished form you need at first try? If you change form a lot, leave the tab order in the end.

If you need accurate tab order you can cut and insert every input according to your wish, or use Bring To Front function (button or shortcut) in the same way.

Tab order works for inputs and buttons, but e.g. not working for custom created button using rectangles and other shapes.

6- Insert logo into your prototypes

Be proud of your prototypes. Insert your logo or a logo of your company into prototypes while generating HTML files.

7- Use device frame to present your mobile prototype on desktop

Use this if you design for mobile or tablets and you want to present prototypes on desktop and mobile devices.

Axure Device Frame

8- Include fonts

Do you know about that?

Axure include fonts

9- Include annotations from Masters

If you’re a pro you are already using masters within your wireframes. You may need to annotate the widgets within your masters, but these may get over looked if you put your masters at the back of your specification document.

Axure master annotations

10- Visit Axure forum

There is a large community around Axure and it could be the fastest way how to solve your problem with Axure.